
Blog Essay #2

Visual anthropology is something that has no real specific definition, so when looking through my classmates' blogs, it's always nice to see a wide variety of images and thoughts.

Willy, a fellow classmate, has a number of interesting posts, but the one that caught my interest the most, was his post about Spiderman in Japan, which can be found here: http://willysvisualblog.blogspot.com/

He talks about the popularity of Spiderman in Japan and provides a link to a website containing more information about the Japanese version of the character.

What I really found interesting, though, was that he wondered why people just assumed his friend, Taka, was a foreigner because he was in costume (as Spiderman), and was with Willy. He said that people approached Taka and spoke in English instead of Japanese. It doesn't really surprise me that it happened, since a lot of the exchange students here at Kansai Gaidai tend to stick together, but I wonder what the people who approached Taka thought when they found out he was actually Japanese...

1 件のコメント:

visual gonthros さんのコメント...

Spiderman is American, so why wouldn't he speak English? Why the mystery here?

But maybe Spiderman isn't such a common cosplay character in Japan. But why not? If we foreigners can dress up like manga characters, why can't Japanese dress up like western characters?